459 items to collect
HYENA BOMBER The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2010)
Remote Control REPUBLIC FIGHTER TANK The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2010)
Armored Assault Tank (AAT) Clone Wars(2003)
Star Destroyer Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 24 (2016)
Snowspeeder Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 17 (2015)
Anakin's Jedi Starfighter (Coruscant) 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)(2007)
Side Gunner Kenner Vintage Star Wars(1985)
ARC-170 Starfighter Revenge of the Sith(2005)
Republic V-19 TORRENT STARFIGHTER The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2011)
Boba Fett's Slave 1 Saga Legends(2014)
BARC SPEEDER BIKE with Obi-Wan Kenobi The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2010)
FREECO SPEEDER with Clone Trooper The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2010)
Plo Koon's JEDI STARFIGHTER The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2010)
Republic ATTACK SHUTTLE The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2011)
Republic AV-7 MOBILE CANNON The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2011)
Separatist DROID TRI-FIGHTER The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2011)
Command Gunship Clone Wars(2003)
Imperial Cargo Shuttle SW-0608 Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 31 (2016)
Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle (White Variant) Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 03 (2015)
Krennic's Imperial Shuttle Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 32 (2016)
ATTACK CYCLE with General Grievous The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2011)
AT-AP Walker 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)(2007)
V-Wing Starfighter 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)(2007)
Death Star Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 33 (2016)
Darth Vader's TIE Fighter Power of the Force 2(1997)
Electronic Rebel Snowspeeder Power of the Force 2Ref. 69585 (1996)
Imperial AT-ST (Scout Walker) Power of the Force 2Ref. 69776 (1995)
Flash Cannon (Electronic) Episode 1
Commando on speeder bike Rebel Storm
Obi-Wan's JEDI STARFIGHTER The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2011)
Millenium Falcon Radio Control Flying Drone The Force AwakensRef. 7930
SEPARATIST DROID SPEEDER with Battle Droid The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2011)
Republic SWAMP SPEEDER The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2010)
Separatist DROID GUNSHIP The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2011)
Obi-wan's Jedi Starfighter (red version) Saga Legends(2013)
Republic Fighter Tank Movie Heroes (Yoda package)(2012)
Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter Revenge of the Sith(2005)
VULTURE DROID The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2011)
First Order Transporter Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 14 (2015)
Landspeeder Power of the Force 2Ref. 69770 (1995)
Millennium Falcon The Original Trilogy Collection (OTC)Ref. 85234 (2004)
X-Wing Fighter The Original Trilogy Collection (OTC)
Jango Fett's Slave 1 Saga Legends(2013)
TIE Fighter Power of the Force 2Ref. 69775 (1995)
First Order Special Forces Tie Fighter Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 04 (2015)
The Ghost Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 26 (2016)
Sith Infiltrator Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 21 (2016)
Republic Gunship Vehicles - Titanium SeriesRef. 23 (2016)