10 items to collect
Kit Fisto's JEDI STARFIGHTER The Clone Wars - Shadow of the Dark Side(2010)
Octuptarra Droid The Clone Wars (TCW 2009)(2009)
Imperial TIE Bomber Shadows of the Dark Side(2010)
Republic Gunship The Clone Wars (TCW 2008)(2008)
Vulture Droid Movie Heroes (Darth Maul Package)(2012)
AT-ST Legacy Collection (LC Red)(2009)
First Order Tie Fighter The Last JediRef. C3224
Imperial Tie Fighter The Vintage Collection(2018)
Resistance X-wing + Poe Dameron (Walmart Exclusive) The Force Awakens(2015)
AT-ST with AT-ST Driver Black Series Red - 3.75 inchesRef. C1970 (2017)