4859 items to collect
A HOLOGRAPHIC (or holo) Pokémon card is a card whose part representing the POKEMON is shiny.
CAUTION: Do not confuse with REVERSE cards which, on the other hand, have the printed text part on a shiny patterned background.
Gyarados Cosmos Holo Dragons ExaltedRef. 024/124 (2012)
Rayquaza-EX Dragons ExaltedRef. 123/124 (2012)
Hydreigon Cosmos Holo Dragons ExaltedRef. 098/124 (2012)
Druddigon Holo Dragon VaultRef. 17/20 (2012)
Salamence Reverse Spring Regional Championships Dragon VaultRef. 08/20 (2012)
Palossand Holo Burning ShadowsRef. 062/147 (2017)
Rhyperior Holo Burning ShadowsRef. 067/147 (2017)
Darkrai Holo Burning ShadowsRef. 087/147 (2017)
Lance Prism Star Dragon MajestyRef. 61/70 (2018)
Lycanroc Holo Cracked Ice Forbidden LightRef. 076/131 (2018)
Buzzwole reverse Pokemon League Forbidden LightRef. 077/131 (2018)
Energy Recycler Forbidden LightRef. 143/131 (2018)
Lunatone Holo Celestial StormRef. 061/168 (2018)
Deoxys Holo Celestial StormRef. 067/168 (2018)
Heatran Holo Celestial StormRef. 098/168 (2018)
Delcatty Holo Celestial StormRef. 121/168 (2018)
Regirock XY PromosRef. XY049 (2013)
Regigigas Holo Legends AwakenedRef. 037/146 (2009)
Mewtwo LV.X Legends AwakenedRef. 144/146 (2009)
Luxray Holo Legends AwakenedRef. 008/146 (2009)
Jumpluff Holo Neo RevelationRef. 009/64 (2002)
Heatran LV.X StormfrontRef. 097/100 (2009)
Hitmonchan Holo XY EvolutionsRef. 062/108 (2016)
Charmander Holo Burning ShadowsRef. 018/147 (2017)
Tapu Fini Holo Lost ThunderRef. 151/214 (2018)
Tapu Lele Holo Lost ThunderRef. 150/214 (2018)
Tapu Bulu Holo Lost ThunderRef. 037/214 (2018)
Raikou Holo Cracked Ice Lost ThunderRef. 079/214 (2018)
Chandelure Holo Lost ThunderRef. 103/214 (2018)
Naganadel Holo Lost ThunderRef. 108/214 (2018)
Eevee Holo Cracked Ice Lost ThunderRef. 155/214 (2018)
Blastoise Holo ExpeditionRef. 004/165 (2002)
Kartana Holo Unbroken BondsRef. 019/214 (2019)
Kyurem Holo Unbroken BondsRef. 050/214 (2019)
Golem Holo Unbroken BondsRef. 089/214 (2019)
Greninja Holo Unbroken BondsRef. 117/214 (2019)
Melmetal Holo Unbroken BondsRef. 129/214 (2019)
Solgaleo GX Sun & Moon PromosRef. SM016 (2016)
Pikachu Holo Black & WhiteRef. 115/114 (2011)
Persian Holo EX FireRed & LeafGreenRef. 044/112 (2004)
Dark Charizard Holo Team RocketRef. 004/82 (2001)
Shining Charizard 1st Edition Neo DestinyRef. 107/105 (2002)
Shining Tyranitar Neo DestinyRef. 113/105 (2002)
Escape Board Ultra PrismRef. 167/156 (2018)
Missing Clover Ultra PrismRef. 168/156 (2018)
Indeedee Holo Shining FatesRef. 056/072 (2021)
Rowlet Shining FatesRef. SV001/SV122 (2021)
Grookey Shining FatesRef. SV004/SV122 (2021)