152 items to collect
A HOLOGRAPHIC (or holo) Pokémon card is a card whose part representing the POKEMON is shiny.
CAUTION: Do not confuse with REVERSE cards which, on the other hand, have the printed text part on a shiny patterned background.
Blacksmith Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 088a/106 (2018)
N Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 105a/124 (2018)
Karen Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. XY177a (2018)
Delinquent Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 098b/122 (2018)
Team Flare Grunt Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 73a/83 (2018)
Jolteon EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 28a/83 (2018)
Hex Maniac Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 75a/98 (2018)
M Camerupt EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. XY198a (2018)
Entei GX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 10a/73 (2018)
Life Herb holo EX Hidden LegendsRef. 090/101 (2005)
Scoop Up Reverse Legendary CollectionRef. 104/110 (2002)
Pokémon Trader Reverse Legendary CollectionRef. 103/110 (2002)
Zygarde EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 054a/124 (2018)
Shaymin EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 077a/108 (2018)
Shauna Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 111a/124 (2018)
Darkrai XY PromosRef. XY114 (2013)
Jirachi Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. XY67a (2018)
Pokémon Breeder Reverse Legendary CollectionRef. 102/110 (2002)
Yveltal EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. XY150a (2018)
M Manectric EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 024a/119 (2018)
Aegislash EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 065a/119 (2018)
Regirock EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 043a/124 (2018)
Shaymin XY PromosRef. XY115 (2013)
M Sharpedo EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. XY200a (2018)
Lunatone Holo S12a - VSTAR UniverseRef. 056 (2022)
M Lucario EX Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 055a/111 (2018)
Armor Fossil Reverse PlatiniumRef. 119/127 (2009)
Ancient Technical Machine [Ice] holo EX Hidden LegendsRef. 084/101 (2005)
Steven's Advice holo EX Hidden LegendsRef. 092/101 (2005)
Darkness Energy Reverse ExpeditionRef. 158/165 (2002)
Ancient Technical Machine [Steel] holo EX Hidden LegendsRef. 086/101 (2005)
Ancient Technical Machine [Rock] holo EX Hidden LegendsRef. 085/101 (2005)
Desert Ruins holo EX Hidden LegendsRef. 088/101 (2005)
Guzma Burning ShadowsRef. 143/147 (2017)
Turbo Patch Reverse Darkness AblazeRef. 172/189 (2020)
Ancient Tomb holo EX Hidden LegendsRef. 087/101 (2005)
Professor Oak's Hint Reverse XY EvolutionsRef. 084/108 (2016)
Regigigas Holo Alternatives Pokemon CardsRef. 084a/111 (2018)
Magnetic Storm holo EX Hidden LegendsRef. 091/101 (2005)
Island Cave holo EX Hidden LegendsRef. 089/101 (2005)
Water Energy EX Holon PhantomsRef. 107/110 (2006)
Kiawe Burning ShadowsRef. 144/147 (2017)
Tornadus, Thundurus & Landorus - Jumbo JUMBO Cards XXL
Electabuzz Holo- Toys'r'us Logo Toys'R'Us ExclusivesRef. 041/108
Charcadet Reverse Paradox Rift - PARENRef. 026/182 (2023)
Raikou, Entei & Suicune - Jumbo JUMBO Cards XXL(2018)
Solgaleo GX Sun & Moon PromosRef. SM016 (2016)
Kyogre & Groudon Legend Holo UndauntedRef. 088/90 (2010)