4859 items to collect
A HOLOGRAPHIC (or holo) Pokémon card is a card whose part representing the POKEMON is shiny.
CAUTION: Do not confuse with REVERSE cards which, on the other hand, have the printed text part on a shiny patterned background.
Groudon EX Delta SpeciesRef. 111/113 (2006)
Beldum Holo Logo EX Delta SpeciesRef. 059/113 (2006)
Azumarill EX Delta SpeciesRef. 114/113 (2006)
Flareon ex EX Delta SpeciesRef. 108/113 (2006)
Ditto (Bulbasaur) Holo Logo EX Delta SpeciesRef. 036/113 (2006)
Ditto (Charmender) Holo Logo EX Delta SpeciesRef. 037/113 (2006)
Pupitar Holo Logo EX Delta SpeciesRef. 051/113 (2006)
Rapidash Holo Logo EX Delta SpeciesRef. 052/113 (2006)
Holon's Magnemite Holo Logo EX Delta SpeciesRef. 070/113 (2006)
Koffing Holo Logo EX Delta SpeciesRef. 072/113 (2006)
Magnemite Holo Logo EX Delta SpeciesRef. 074/113 (2006)
Ponyta Holo Logo EX Delta SpeciesRef. 078/113 (2006)
Entei AquapolisRef. 010/147 (2003)
Typhlosion ex EX SandstormRef. 099/100 (2004)
Gardevoir ex EX SandstormRef. 096/100 (2004)
Magcargo ex EX DragonRef. 095/97 (2004)
Altaria Holo EX DragonRef. 002/97 (2004)
Charmeleon EX DragonRef. 099/97 (2004)
Ampharos ex EX DragonRef. 089/97 (2004)
Kingdra ex EX DragonRef. 092/97 (2004)
Torkoal Holo EX DragonRef. 012/97 (2004)
Minun Holo EX DragonRef. 007/97 (2004)
Flygon holo EX DragonRef. 015/97 (2004)
Flygon Holo Winner EX DragonRef. 015/97 (2004)
Mesprit Holo Plasma BlastRef. 037/101 (2013)
Houndoom Holo Plasma BlastRef. 056/101 (2013)
Porygon-Z Holo Plasma BlastRef. 074/101 (2013)
Articuno Holo Legendary TreasuresRef. 032/113 (2013)
Mewtwo Holo Legendary TreasuresRef. 053/113 (2013)
Gothitelle Holo Legendary TreasuresRef. 072/113 (2013)
Terrakion Holo Legendary TreasuresRef. 084/113 (2013)
Hydreigon Holo Legendary TreasuresRef. 099/113 (2013)
Zoroark Holo Legendary TreasuresRef. 090/113 (2013)
Eelektross Holo XY Primal ClashRef. 065/160 (2015)
Rhyperior Holo XY Primal ClashRef. 077/160 (2015)
Azumarill Holo XY Primal ClashRef. 104/160 (2015)
Excadrill Holo XY Primal ClashRef. 097/160 (2015)
Flygon Holo XY Primal ClashRef. 110/160 (2015)
Kingdra Holo XY Primal ClashRef. 108/160 (2015)
Crawdaunt Holo XY Primal ClashRef. 092/160 (2015)
Heliolisk Holo Cracked Ice XY FlashfireRef. 037/106 (2014)
Goodra Holo XY FlashfireRef. 074/106 (2014)
Pangoro Holo Carcked Ice XY Furious FistsRef. 068/111 (2014)
Sylveon Holo Cracked Ice XY Furious FistsRef. 072/111 (2014)
Hawlucha Holo XY Furious FistsRef. 063/111 (2014)
Blaziken Holo XY Furious FistsRef. 014/111 (2014)
Aurorus Cosmos Holo XY Furious FistsRef. 026/111 (2014)
Machamp Cosmos Holo XY Furious FistsRef. 046/111 (2014)