22 objets à collectionner
Sam's Club Collector Pack Power of the Force 2Ref. 69570
Power Racing Speeder Bike w/Biker Scout Power of the Force 2(1997)
Admiral Ackbar Power of the Force 2(1997)
Bib Fortuna Power of the Force 2Ref. 69605A (1997)
Han Solo in Endor Gear (blue pants) Power of the Force 2(1997)
Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight (black vest) Power of the Force 2(1996)
Sam's Club Collector Pack Power of the Force 2Ref. 69570
Lando Calrissian as Skiff Guard Power of the Force 2(1997)
Malakili (Rancor Keeper) Power of the Force 2(1997)
Weequay Skiff Guard Power of the Force 2(1997)
Gamorrean Guard Power of the Force 2(1997)
Speeder Bike with Princess Leia Organa in Endor Gear Power of the Force 2(1997)
Emperor's Royal Guard Power of the Force 2Ref. 69717 (1997)
Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise Power of the Force 2(1997)
Saelt-Marae (Yak Face) Power of the Force 2(1997)
AT-ST Driver Power of the Force 2(1997)
Emperor Palpatine Power of the Force 2(1997)
Han Solo in Endor Gear (brown pants) Power of the Force 2(1997)
Nien Nunb Power of the Force 2(1997)
Rancor with Luke Skywalker Power of the Force 2(1998)
Princess Leia Organa as Jabba's Prisoner Power of the Force 2(1997)
Han Solo in Carbonite Power of the Force 2(1996)