Combination 0 (1995)
Combination 1 (1995)
Intimidation (1995)
Jumping (1995)
Knowledge (1995)
Ukemi (1995)
Adrenaline Ref. 1 (1995)
Awareness Ref. 10 (1995)
Great Wall Vest Ref. 100 (1995)
Guillotine Block Ref. 101 (1995)
Hair Grab Elbow Strike (5/4) Ref. 102 (1995)
Hair Grab Elbow Strike (6/4) Ref. 103 (1995)
Hair/Elbow Strike Ref. 104 (1995)
Hammer Fist Strike Ref. 105 (1995)
Head Butt (3/2) Ref. 106 (1995)
Head Butt (4/2) Ref. 107 (1995)
Head Lock (3/3) Ref. 108 (1995)
Head Lock (3/4 back) Ref. 109 (1995)
Ax Kick (3/2) Ref. 11 (1995)
Head Lock (3/4 front/back) Ref. 110 (1995)
Headband of the Ninja Ref. 111 (1995)
Healing Mantra Ref. 112 (1995)
Heavy Rain Ref. 113 (1995)
High Altitude Ref. 114 (1995)
Holy Medallion Ref. 115 (1995)
Hurricane Winds Ref. 116 (1995)
Icy Ground Ref. 117 (1995)
Inferno's Round Kick Ref. 118 (1995)
Inner Leg Reap Ref. 119 (1995)
Ax Kick (4/2 back) Ref. 12 (1995)
Inner Thigh Throw Ref. 120 (1995)
Instant Recall Ref. 121 (1995)
Instant Replay Ref. 122 (1995)
Instep Stomp (2/1) Ref. 123 (1995)
Instep Stomp (2/2) Ref. 124 (1995)
Instep Stomp (3/1) Ref. 125 (1995)
Intuition Ref. 127 (1995)
Jump Crescent Kick (6/5) Ref. 128 (1995)
Jump Crescent Kick (6/6) Ref. 129 (1995)
Ax Kick (4/2 front/back) Ref. 13 (1995)
Jump Hook Kick (5/4 front) Ref. 130 (1995)
Jump Hook Kick (6/4 front/back) Ref. 131 (1995)
Jump Hook Kick (6/4 left) Ref. 132 (1995)
Kevlar Vest Ref. 134 (1995)
Kiai Ref. 135 (1995)
Kim Soon's Illusion Ref. 136 (1995)
Knee Kick (3/2) Ref. 137 (1995)
Knee Kick (3/3) Ref. 138 (1995)