Average Pokémon cards estimate : US$4.46 See all estimates
Pokémon Trainer Kits are treasures for collectors and an ideal entry point into the world of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Introduced in 2005, these kits have revolutionized game learning by offering a complete and guided experience. Each kit typically contains two 30-card mini-decks, detailed game guides, an instructive play mat, and various accessories like damage counters. The collection now counts 870 different kits, each offering a unique combination of Pokémon and strategies. These kits are not only learning tools, but also prized collector's items, especially for their exclusive cards and their evolving designs over the years. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced collector, Pokémon Trainer Kits remain a fascinating part of the history and evolution of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
My First Battle 48 Pokémon cards(2023)
Battle Academy 2022 138 Pokémon cards
Battle Academy 2020 137 Pokémon cards(2020)
SM Trainer Kit - Alolan Sandslash Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards(2018)
SM Trainer Kit - Alolan Ninetales Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards(2018)
SM Trainer Kit - Alolan Raichu Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards(2017)
SL Trainer Kit - Lycanroc Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards(2017)
XY Trainer Kit - Suicune Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards(2016)
XY Trainer Kit - Pikachu Libre Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards(2016)
XY Trainer Kit - Latios Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards
XY Trainer Kit - Latias Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards
XY Trainer Kit - Wigglytuff Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards
XY Trainer Kit - Bisharp Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards
XY Trainer Kit - Noivern Half Deck 29 Pokémon cards
XY Trainer Kit - Sylveon Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards
B&W Trainer Kit - Excadrill Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards
B&W Trainer Kit - Zoroark Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards
HS Trainer Kit - Raichu Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards
HS Trainer Kit - Gyarados Half Deck 30 Pokémon cards
D&P Trainer Kit - Manaphy Half Deck 12 Pokémon cards(2008)
D&P Trainer Kit - Lucario Half Deck 11 Pokémon cards
EX Trainer Kit 1 - Latios Half Deck 10 Pokémon cards
EX Trainer Kit 1 - Latias Half Deck 10 Pokémon cards
EX Trainer Kit 2 - Plusle Half Deck 12 Pokémon cards
EX Trainer Kit 2 - Minun Half Deck 12 Pokémon cards(2005)