86 items to collect
Neimoidian Commander (Bodyguard) Revenge of the SithRef. III 63 (2005)
Tactical Ops Trooper (Vader's Legion) Revenge of the SithRef. III 65 (2005)
Grievous' Bodyguard (Battle Attack) Revenge of the SithRef. III 60 (2005)
Palpatine (Lighsaber Attack) – Red Lightsaber Revenge of the SithRef. III 35 (2005)
Padmé Amidala (Republic Senator) Revenge of the SithRef. III 19 (2005)
Tarfful (Firing Bowcaster) Revenge of the SithRef. III 25 (2005)
Palpatine (Lighsaber Attack) – Blue Lightsaber Revenge of the SithRef. III 35 (2005)
General Grievous (Exploding Body) Revenge of the SithRef. III 36 (2005)
Utapaun Warrior (Utapaun Security) Revenge of the SithRef. III 53 (2005)
Wookie Commando (Battle Bash) Revenge of the SithRef. III 58 (2005)
Cat Miin (Separatist) Revenge of the SithRef. III 62 (2005)
Mustafar Sentry (Spinning Energy Bolt) Revenge of the SithRef. III 56 (2005)
Passel Argente (Separatist Leader) Revenge of the SithRef. III 61 (2005)
General Grevious' Bodyguard (Battle Attack) Revenge of the SithRef. III 08 (2005)
Mon Mothma (Republic Senator) Revenge of the SithRef. III 24 (2005)
Plo Koon (Jedi Hologram Transmission) Revenge of the SithRef. III 66 (2005)
Super Battle Droid (Firing Arm Blaster) Revenge of the SithRef. III 04 (2005)
Tarkin (Governor) Revenge of the SithRef. III 45 (2005)
C-3PO (Protocol Droid) Revenge of the SithRef. III 18 (2005)
Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi Master) Revenge of the SithRef. III 29 (2005)
Commander Bly (Battle Gear) Revenge of the SithRef. III 57 (2005)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Slashing Attack) Revenge of the SithRef. III 01 (2005)
Vader's Medical Droid (Chopper Droid) Revenge of the SithRef. III 37 (2005)
Chewbacca (Wookie Rage) Revenge of the SithRef. III 05 (2005)
Count Dooku (Sith Lord) Revenge of the SithRef. III 13 (2005)
Clone Trooper (Super Articulated) Revenge of the SithRef. III 41 (2005)
Commander Bacara (Quick-Draw Attack) Revenge of the SithRef. III 49 (2005)
Zett Jukassa (Jedi Padawan) Revenge of the SithRef. III 52 (2005)
Commander Gree (Battle Gear) Revenge of the SithRef. III 59 (2005)
Neimoidian Warrior (Weapon Attack) Revenge of the SithRef. III 42 (2005)
Anakin Skywalker (Lightsaber Attack) Revenge of the SithRef. III 02 (2005)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (With Pilot Gear) Revenge of the SithRef. III 55 (2005)
Clone Pilot (Firing Cannon) Revenge of the SithRef. III 34 (2005)
Agen Kolar (Jedi Master) Revenge of the SithRef. III 20 (2005)
Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master) Revenge of the SithRef. III 30 (2005)
Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight) Revenge of the SithRef. III 32 (2005)
AT-TE Tank Gunner (Clone Army) Revenge of the SithRef. III 38 (2005)
Obi-Wan Kenobi : Duel at Mustafar Revenge of the Sith(2005)
Anakin Skywalker (Slashing Attack) Revenge of the SithRef. III 28 (2005)
R4-G9 Revenge of the SithRef. 4 of 4 (2005)
Bail Organa (Republic Senator) Revenge of the SithRef. III 15 (2005)
Shaak Ti (Jedi Master) Revenge of the SithRef. III 21 (2005)
Royal Guard Red (Senate Security) Revenge of the SithRef. III 23 (2005)
Royal Guard Blue (Senate Security) Revenge of the SithRef. III 23 (2005)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Kick) Revenge of the SithRef. III 27 (2005)
Meena Tills (Senator) Revenge of the SithRef. III 47 (2005)
Aayla Secura (Jedi Hologram Transmission) Revenge of the SithRef. III 67 (2005)
Utapau Shadow Trooper (Target) Revenge of the Sith(2005)