130 items to collect
Baron Papanoida The Saga Collection(2006)
Firespeeder Pilot The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-022 (2006)
Combat Engineer Trooper The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-068 (2007)
Barada (Skiff Guard) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-004 (2005)
Poggle the Lesser The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-018 (2006)
R5-D4 The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-032 (2006)
Garindan The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-034 (2006)
Han Solo The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-035 (2006)
Naboo Soldier The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-050 (2006)
Clone Trooper (Fifth Fleet Security) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-059 (2006)
Super Battle Droid The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-061 (2006)
AT-TE Tank Gunner The Saga CollectionRef. 2 of 14 (2006)
AT-AT Driver The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-009 (2006)
Han Solo (Carbonite) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-002 (2005)
Major Bren Derlin The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-008 (2006)
R2-D2 The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-010 (2006)
General Rieekan The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-012 (2006)
Sora Bulq The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-015 (2006)
Yoda The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-019 (2006)
Hem Dazon The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-033 (2006)
Moff Jerjerrod The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-040 (2006)
Emperor Palpatine The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-043 (2006)
Holographic Darth Maul The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-048 (2006)
Rep Been The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-049 (2006)
Padmé Amidala (Geonosis) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-067 (2007)
Obi-Wan Kenobi The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-047 (2006)
501st Stormtrooper (SDCC) The Saga Collection(2006)
Jango Fett The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-020 (2006)
Bib Fortuna The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-003 (2005)
General Veers The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-007 (2006)
Snowtrooper The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-011 (2006)
Rebel Trooper I (black) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-046 (2006)
Kit Fisto The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-055 (2006)
R5-J2 The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-058 (2006)
Holographic Obi-Wan Kenobi The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-063 (2007)
R4-K5 (Darth Vader's Astromech Droid) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-066 (2007)
Yarael Poof The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-069 (2007)
Rebel Trooper II The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-046 (2006)
Power Droid The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-014 (2006)
Anakin Skywalker The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-025 (2006)
Clone Trooper (Utapau) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-026 (2006)
Foul Moudama The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-029 (2006)
Darth Vader (Bespin Confession) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-038 (2006)
Chief Chirpa The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-039 (2006)
Darth Vader (Endor Capture) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-045 (2006)
Clone Trooper (442nd Siege Battalion) The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-057 (2006)
Battle Droids The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-062 (2006)
Commander Appo The Saga CollectionRef. SAGA-064 (2007)