Whoville - Mayor
Stacked Grinch Characters Ref. 6002066 (2020)
Grinch Stealing Tree Ref. 6002067 (2019)
Grinch on Sleigh Ref. 6002069 (2019)
Grinch Holding Cindy (Hanging Ornament) Ref. 6002072
Grinch Naughty/Nice Ornament Ref. 6002073 (2018)
Grinch Dressed as Santa (Hanging Ornament) Ref. 6002074 (2019)
Cat in the Hat Ref. 6002906 (2019)
Cat in the Hat & Friends Ref. 6002907 (2020)
Thing 1 & THing 2 Ref. 6002908 (2019)
Horton Hear a Who! Ref. 6002910 (2019)
Heartwood Creek Grinch Tip Toeing Ref. 6004062 (2019)
Grinch with Cindy and Max Ref. 6004064 (2019)
Grinch Climbing into Chimney Ref. 6004066 (2019)
Grinch Holding Tree (Hanging Ornament) Ref. 6004069
Cat In The Hat/Umbrella Ref. 6006239 (2019)
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Ref. 6006481 (2019)
Sneaky Grinch Ref. 6006566 (2020)
Grinch Decorating Tree Ref. 6006567 (2020)
Grinch Juggling Gifts Into Bag Ref. 6006568 (2020)
Grinch Getting Dressed in Santa Suit Ref. 6006569
Grinch with Max Under His Arm Ref. 6006570 (2020)
Grinch Peeking Thru Wreath Orn Ref. 6006571
Grinch Tiptoeing Ornament Ref. 6006572 (2020)
Grinch Holding String of Ornaments (Hanging Ornament) 2020 Ref. 6006573 (2020)
Grinch/Max Standing by Sleigh Ref. 6008884 (2021)
Grinch Rotator Tree/Characters Ref. 6008885 (2021)
Grinch Un-decorating Tree Ref. 6008886 (2021)
Grinch on Present Ref. 6008887 (2021)
Grinch Stealing Candy Canes Ref. 6008888 (2021)
Grinch Petting Max Ref. 6008889 (2021)
Grinch Carved By Heart Ref. 6008890 (2021)
Grinch Two-Sided Naughty/Nice Ref. 6008891 (2021)
Two-Sided Naughty/Nice Grinch Ref. 6008891 (2021)
Grinch and Max Waterball Ref. 6008892 (2021)
Grinch with Hands Clenched 20" Ref. 6008893 (2022)
Grinch Dated Stocking Ornament Ref. 6008894 (2021)
Grinch/Max in Sleigh Ornament Ref. 6008895 (2021)
Grinch Juggling Ornament Ref. 6008896 (2021)
Grinch Nutcracker Figurine Ref. 6009199 (2021)
Grinch Gnome with Large Heart Ref. 6009200 (2021)
Grinch Gnome Holding Present Ref. 6009201 (2021)
Grinch Gnome with Who Hash Ref. 6009202 (2021)
Grinch in Chimney Ornament Ref. 6009204 (2021)
Grinch Holding Wreath Ornament Ref. 6009205 (2021)
Grinch Candy Canes Ornament Ref. 6009206 (2021)
Grinch Nutcracker Ornament Ref. 6009207 (2022)
Grinch Stink Stank Stunk Ornament Ref. 6009208 (2022)