Alliance Smuggler: Ally Pack
Boba Fett: Infamous Bounty Hunter
Bossk: Born Hunter
BT-1: Destructive Assassin and 0-0-0: Specialized in Pain
Dengar: Ruthless Killer
Dice Pack
Ezra Bridger: Spectre-6 and Kanan Jarrus: Specre-1
General Sorin: Vicious Tactician
General Weiss: Field Commander
Greedo: Ambitious Mercenary
Han Solo: Scoundrel (2019)
Heart of the Empire
Hondo Ohnaka: Friend for Hire
IG-88: Assassin Droid
Jabba The Hutt: Vile Gangster
Jawa Scavenger: Villain Pack
Lando Calrissian: Charming Gambler
Leia Organa: Rebel Commander
Luke Skywalker: Jedi Knight
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Jedi Knight
R2-D2: Loyal Astromech and C-3PO: Human-Cyborg Relations
Rebel Saboteurs: Ally Pack (2015)
Return to Hoth Expansion
Sabine Wren: Spectre-5 and Zeb Orrelios: Spectre-4
Stormtroopers: Villain Pack (2019)
The Bespin Gambit
Thrawn: Grand Admiral (2000)
Twin Shadows Expansion (2019)
Tyrants of Lothal (2018)
Agent Blaise: ISB Interrogator
Ahsoka Tano: Rebel Instigator (2017)
Alliance Rangers Ally Pack
Bantha Rider Villain Pack
Captain Terro: Wasteland Enforcer
Chewbacca: Loyal Wookie
Echo Base Troopers: Ally Pack
Emperor Palpatine: Sith Master (2017)
Hera Syndulla: Spectre-2 and C1-10P: Chopper
Hired Guns Villain Pack
ISB Infiltrators: Villain Pack
Jabba's Realm
Kayn Somos: Trooper Commander
Maul: Seeker of Vengeance (2017)
Rebel Troopers Ally Pack
Royal Guard Champion: Villain Pack (2015)
The Grand Inquisitor: Sith Loyalist