1804 items to collect
Neimoidian Commander (Bodyguard) Revenge of the SithRef. III 63 (2005)
Tactical Ops Trooper (Vader's Legion) Revenge of the SithRef. III 65 (2005)
Imperial Engineer (Star Wars: Battlefront II) The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 22 (2008)
Mustafar Panning Droid 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 08-08 (2008)
Imperial EVO Trooper 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 08-09 (2008)
R2-H16 (Droid Factory) Star Tours - Droid Factory(2016)
R2-B00 (Droid Factory) Star Tours - Droid Factory(2016)
Grievous' Bodyguard (Battle Attack) Revenge of the SithRef. III 60 (2005)
Palpatine (Lighsaber Attack) – Red Lightsaber Revenge of the SithRef. III 35 (2005)
Captain Needa The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 40 (2009)
Mustafar Sentry (Spinning Energy Bolt) Revenge of the SithRef. III 56 (2005)
Passel Argente (Separatist Leader) Revenge of the SithRef. III 61 (2005)
Clone Scuba Trooper Legacy Collection (LC Red)Ref. BD27 (2009)
Stormtrooper Legacy Collection (LC Red)Ref. BD46 (2009)
Commander Bacara Legacy Collection (LC Red)Ref. BD47 (2009)
Luke Skywalker The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 02 (2008)
Darth Vader The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 08 (2008)
Mon Calamari Warrior The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 14 (2008)
Clone Trooper - Coruscant Landing Platform The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 17 (2008)
Commander Faie The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 24 (2008)
Clone Trooper (327th Star Corps) The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 29 (2008)
Luke Skywalker - Stormtrooper Disguise The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 30 (2009)
Obi-Wan Kenobi The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 34 (2009)
Wioslea The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 36 (2009)
Captain Typho The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 47 (2009)
Tarados Gon The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 49 (2009)
Anakin Skywalker [Attack Of The Clones] The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 50 (2009)
Galactic Marine 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 30-02 (2007)
Airborne Trooper 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 30-07 (2007)
Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony) 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 30-12 (2007)
Biggs Darklighter (Rebel Pilot) 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 30-14 (2007)
Biggs Darklighter (Academy Outfit) 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 30-17 (2007)
Naboo Soldier (Royal Naboo Army) 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 30-52 (2007)
Pax Bonkik (Rodian Podracer Mechanic) 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 30-54 (2007)
Maris Brood 30th Anniversary Collection (TAC)Ref. 08-11 (2008)
Grievous - The Droid General Galaxy of AdventuresRef. E6020 (2019)
Pre Vizsla The Vintage CollectionRef. VC299 (2024)
Imperial Trooper The Original Trilogy Collection (OTC)Ref. OTC #38 (2004)
General Grevious' Bodyguard (Battle Attack) Revenge of the SithRef. III 08 (2005)
Mon Mothma (Republic Senator) Revenge of the SithRef. III 24 (2005)
Plo Koon (Jedi Hologram Transmission) Revenge of the SithRef. III 66 (2005)
Saleucami Clone Trooper Legacy Collection (LC Red)Ref. BD25 (2009)
Rey - The Scavenger Galaxy of Adventures(2019)
Yarna d'al' Gargan The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 06 (2008)
Quarren Soldier The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 15 (2008)
Luke Skywalker The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 38 (2009)
Owen Lars The Legacy Collection (TLC Blue)Ref. BD 46 (2009)
Super Battle Droid (Firing Arm Blaster) Revenge of the SithRef. III 04 (2005)