9 items to collect
Nuka-Girl - Nuka-Girl Pocket Pop! and Pop Minis!
Sonic The Hedgehog - Sonic Pocket Pop! and Pop Minis!
Cuphead & Mugman - The Devil Pocket Pop! and Pop Minis!(2018)
Vault Boy - Vault Boy Pocket Pop! and Pop Minis!
Mega Man - Mega Man Pocket Pop! and Pop Minis!(2018)
Pac-Man - Pac-Man Pocket Pop! and Pop Minis!(2018)
Ghostbusters - Slimer Pocket Pop! and Pop Minis!
Five Nights at Freddy's - Blacklight Freddy Pocket Pop! and Pop Minis!(2018)
Rick and Morty - Rick Pocket Pop! and Pop Minis!(2019)