23 items to collect
Masters of the Universe - Faker Vinyl Soda!(2020)
Faker 200X MOTU FIGURERef. B5722
Masters of the Universe - Faker DorbzRef. 262 (2017)
Faker Masters of the Universe(2018)
MOTU - Faker (Previews Exclusive) Mondo(2019)
Blind Pack - Faker Masters of The Universe - Eternia Minis(2020)
Faker (Cartoon Collection) Masters of the Universe OriginsRef. JBM82 (2025)
Masters of the Universe - Faker POP! TelevisionRef. 0569 (2018)
Reaction - Faker Super7 - Masters of the Universe(2019)
MOTU - Faker He-Man POP! Pin CartoonsRef. 09 (2021)
Masters of the Universe - He-Man (Faker) Pop! PEZ(2019)
Faker (Orange) Masters of the Universe Series 1(2017)
MINIS - Man-At-Arms & Faker He-Man Masters of The Universe - Eternia Minis(2014)
Faker (New Eternia) Masters Of The Universe MasterverseRef. HLB50 (2023)
Masters of The Universe - Skeletor + Faker Funko Vynl.(2018)
Faker Masters of the Universe Series 1(2017)
Faker Masters of the Universe OriginsRef. GYY28 (2021)
Faker Masters Of The Universe MasterverseRef. GYY37 (2022)
Faker Masters of the Universe - MOTURef. 4482 (1983)
Faker Masters of The Universe - Eternia Minis(2021)
Faker & Dupli-Cat (Maniacal Mimics) Masters of the Universe Origins(2021)
Metallic Faker Masters of The Universe - Eternia Minis(2021)
4-Pack : Beast Man, Faker, Stinkor & Skeletor Masters of The Universe - Eternia Minis(2020)