12 Inch Bilbo (2002)
12 Inch Eowyn (2002)
12 Inch Legolas (2002)
12 Inch Witchking Ringwraith (2002)
Aragorn (2002)
Aragorn and Brego Blue Box (2002)
Aragorn and Brego Red Box (2002)
Berserker Uruk-Hai (2002)
Boromir (2002)
Easterling (2002)
Elven Archer and Berserker Uruk-Hai (2002)
Elven Cloaked Frodo (2002)
Eomer (2002)
Faramir (2002)
Frodo (2002)
Galadriel Red Box (2002)
Gandalf (2002)
Gandalf and Shadowfax Blue Box (2002)
Gandalf and Shadowfax Red Box (2002)
Gandalf The White (2002)
Gollum (2002)
Gondorian Ranger (2002)
Grima Wormtongue (2002)
Grishnakh (2002)
Helm's Deep Aragorn (2002)
Helm's Deep Gimli (2002)
Helm's Deep Legolas (2002)
King Theoden (2002)
King Theoden in Armor (2002)
Legolas (2002)
Merry and Grishnakh (2002)
Moria Orc (2002)
Pippin and Merry (2002)
Pippin and Ugluk (2002)
Prologue Elven Warrior (2002)
Ringwraith and Horse Red Box (2002)
Rohirrim Soldier (2002)
Samwise in Mordor (2002)
Saruman The White (2002)
Saruman The White Off-White (2002)
Smeagol Red Box (2002)
Talking Treebeard (2002)
Traveling Bilbo Red Box (2002)
Twilight Frodo (2002)
Twilight Ringwraith (2002)
Ugluk (2002)