The Episode I series spans two years (1999-2000) and features nearly a hundred references. All the figurines are accompanied by a "CommTech Chip", which contains some quotes and sound effects of the characters from the film (the CommTech Reader is required to make the figurines speak). A huge marketing success as fans can finally get new characters they have never known before.
Yoda with bonus battle droid (1999)
Anakin Skywalker with Bonus Battle Droid
Ultimate Hair Queen Amidala Ref. 61778
Anakin skywalker
Star Wars Episode I Obi-wan Kenobi
Queen Amidala 2000 Portrait Edition - Return to Naboo
Jar Jar Binks Electronic Ref. 84166/84075
Adi Gallia (1999)
Anakin Skywalker - Naboo (1999)
Anakin Skywalker - Naboo Pilot (1999)
Anakin Skywalker - Tatooine (1999)
Battle Droid - Clean (1999)
Battle Droid - Dirty (1999)
Battle Droid - Shot (1999)
Battle Droid - Slashed (1999)
Boss Nass (1999)
C-3PO (1999)
Captain Panaka (1999)
Captain Tarpals Ref. 1681 (1999)
Chancellor Valorum (1999)
Darth Maul - Jedi Duel (1999)
Darth Maul - Sith Lord (1999)
Darth Maul - Tatooine (1999)
Darth Maul as Holograph (2000)
Darth Maul with Sith Infiltrator from Trophy Assortment (2000)
Darth Sidious Ref. 84087 (1999)
Darth Sidious - Holograph (1999)
Destroyer Droid (1999)
Destroyer Droid - Battle Damaged (2000)
Final Lightsaber Duel (Obi-Wan and Darth Maul)
Gasgano and Pit Droid (1999)
Jar Jar Binks (1999)
Jar Jar Binks - Naboo Swamp (2000)
Ki-Adi-Mundi (1999)
Mace Windu with Lightsaber and Jedi Cloak (1999)
Naboo Royal Guard (1999)
Naboo Royal Security (1999)
Nute Gunray (1999)
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Duel (1999)
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Knight (1999)
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Naboo (1999)
Ody Mandrell with Otoga 222 Pit Droid (1999)
OOM-9 (1999)
Padme Naberrie (1999)
Pit Droids 2-Pack Ref. 84095 & 84129 (2000)
Queen Amidala (Battle) with ascension gun (2000)
Queen Amidala - Coruscant (1999)
Queen Amidala - Naboo (1999)