Small World is a series of board games created in 2009 by Philippe Keyaerts. Inspired by the concept of Vinci, this franchise offers playful confrontations between fantastic civilizations in a constantly evolving world.
Each edition features peoples with unique origins and characteristics, such as Dwarves, Elves or Trolls. Players must deploy their troops, conquer new territories and adapt to the changes in the Small World to win the victory.
Small World Designer Edition
Small World Ref. SW01
Honneur aux Dames ! Ref. SW02
Maauuudits ! Ref. SW03
Contes et Légendes Ref. SW04 (2019)
Même pas peur ! Ref. SW05 (2018)
Small World : Realms Ref. SW06
Plateau 6 joueurs Ref. SW07
Royal Bonus Ref. SW08
Dans la Toile ! Ref. SW09
Les Chefs de SmallWorld Ref. SW10
L'île du Nécromant Ref. SW11
Small World : River World Ref. SW12
Small World : Power Pack n°1 Ref. SW131 (2018)
Small World : Power Pack n°2 Ref. SW132 (2018)
Small World : Sky Islands Ref. SW14 (2017)
SmallWorld Of Warcraft Ref. SWOW01 (2020)
Small World : Underground Ref. SWUND